Blog Update 2018

vintage brown and white watch lot

Photo by Heather Zabriskie

My partner keeps pointing out that every time I feel like writing a blog post I spend so much time updating the blog code itself that I never actually write a blogpost.

They do have a point. I tend to use updating the blog code as an excuse to not write a blog post. So this time I've decided to combine them by writing a blog post about the technology and updates used in this blog.

Hexo Logo


Hexo is a static blog generator written in node.js. Being a node app it's easy to grab and runs on multiple platforms. It supports templating and has lots of plugins for adding features to your blog.

Clean Blog Screenshot

Clean Blog Template

There is an existing hexo version of the clean blog template, but it didn't do what I wanted. So instead I converted it myself. Nice clean design with image headers.

Unsplash blog image of the day


Unsplash is a great source of royalty free high quality photos for my blog. It allow hot linking, and doesn't require attribution, however in my template I do provide attribution where possible. In my template I just have to provide a photo id, and it takes care of the rest. Given the style of blog I wanted, providing high quality images easily and royalty free is wonderful.


Gitment (& Gitmint) is a comment system that uses github issues to track comments. This is amazing. Given this blog is hosted on github gitment makes sense. I used to use disqus, but I've switched completely to gitment now.

And that's it. I want to add more features to this blog, but it's good enough for now. Hopefully now I'll write another post sometime within the next 3 years.